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Re: MR: Disc: Pay-to-Fight

Poster: Mark Schuldenfrei <schuldy@abel.MATH.HARVARD.EDU>

Alfredo wrote:
  Well, perhaps there could be a kind of Silver Key for "loaner" memberships.
  Then a newby could, at no additional cost or obligation, experience full
  membership before deciding to commit his own money.  Then, if he does
  decide to drop out after a few months, is there anything in Corpora or
  Kingdom Law that would prevent the remaining months of his membership
  being transferred to another newby?  Well, yes, I suppose there must be.
  Still, the amount of money lost is small, when absorbed by the group.

Using group funds to purchase memberships is acceptible, if you avoid the
legal entanglement of what is called "Private Inurement".  It can be done,

However, while I don't have a copy of the membership form, I am quite sure
that they say memberships are not transferrable.  Since, technically, they are
tax deductible donations to a public charity, I feel confident that this is
technically so, regardless of what the SCA's paperwork says.
  Secondly, though I hesitate to correct a Prince, might it not be more
  correct for you to sign your missives "MRH" for "My Royal Highness"?

That would be Our Royal Highness, wouldn't it?  Aren't Royalty supposed to
speak in the Royal Plural?  I know that is the modern practice: is that the
period one?

	Tibor  (Herald: I should *know* these things...)
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