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Re: BRAN: TOO AWFUL FOR WORDS, I know what You mean Buddy :)

Poster: James Morrow <achbar@vnet.net>

  I have just read this.  I am sorry for the E mail I sent to you earlier.
I have made this Screw up myself.  I know how these things can occur.
Believe me,  this sort of things happens form time to time.

James  Morrow
t 02:22 PM 7/9/96 -0400, you wrote:
>Poster: SWMyers@aol.com
>Dear Merry Rose Patrons,
>The letter which appeared on the Atlantia-L was meant as a private
>communication to me from a friend.  I forwarded it to Their Majesties, as my
>friends, simply to ask their advice as to how I should respond.
>I have NO IDEA how I managed to send it here.  Nor do I think it's contents
>the sort to be discussed publicly.  Not only would I never deliberately
>betray a friend's confidence, but I certainly wouldn't air many of the
>personal comments included in the letter publicly.
>I still don't know how I managed to accomplish this from my e-mail, but I
>apologize to everyone on the list for posting such a personal message.  
>Most especially, I apologize to our Crown Prince.
>I simply don't know what to say...  BRAN
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