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Poster: Jack Helm <Jackhe@clt.mindspring.com>
Poster: FC Batton (William the Stout)
I'm sending this on my roommates account, so don't get confused.
There seems to be enough of that going around already. Sorry I
took so long to post as this is approaching a dead issue, but I
couldn't let it pass without comment.
Unlike some gentles who insist on commenting on issues of which
they know not what they speak, I have direct knowledge as to the
happenings at Toy Wars.
I, along with many members of my household, yes the infamous Moose Lodge,
traveled to North Georgia to spend a day fighting in the heat in the name of
our kingdom. After the fighting, I was approached in my capacity as Earl
Marshal with questions as to the conduct of three specific individuals on the
field that day. Indeed the individuals so named were not members of the
chivalry, and the questions raised were similar to those posted in the letter
submitted by Master Bran. I assured the gentle in question that I would be in
contact with the crowns of Trimaris and their Earl Marshal regarding this matter.
I have initiated contact with them at this time and am pursuing the matter as time
allows. Duke Anton as kingdom warlord was also contacted that day by
representatives of Trimaris with questions concerning these matters. The
questions raised by the Trimarian representatives are serious and we are giving
them all the merit they deserve.
It should be noted that the individual with whom I spoke is not a knight, and that
he is the same individual noted in the post by master Bran. In addition, the individuals
who's honor was questioned are not now, nor have they ever been members of the
Lodge. They do not camp with us, nor do they fight in the same units with us. The
individual with whom I spoke knows of their alliances as I personally informed him
of them.
As a "knight wanna be" who is a member of the lodge, I personally am offended
by the implications to the honor of myself, my house and my kingdom. If any feel
that my behavior on the field is lacking in courtesy, then I charge him to proclaim it
in a court of chivalry. I for one would welcome such a court and grow weary of the
cowardly attacks through the use of innuendo. If you have a complaint against
someone, file it with me, in writing. If the complaint is about me, send it to their
majesties. Otherwise, I suggest that you think to your own lack of courtesy by
use of such unfounded slanderous accusations.
The second matter I wish to address is the slanderous assault on Duke Michael.
I realize that Michael is a popular target. Many people enjoy taking pot shots at their
betters. His grace is better man both on and off the field than many of those who would
vilify him. I have personally received instruction from his grace and he has never stated
that I should take a heavier blow as I wear rolled and ridged stainless steel plate leg armor.
Many other squires of my house have likewise received such instruction and to my
knowledge, also only received such training as would be appropriate within our society.
In particular I would state that those individuals who have questioned his chivalry
on the field to file a complaint with me, or better yet, with his grace on the field in armor.
I personally would be willing to marshal any such solo combat between such persons so
as to ascertain who is truly the more skilled. By the actions of said individual this day,
we already know who is the more courteous.
Good gentles, we have procedures in place to deal with problems as they arise. If you have
a question as to these procedures, then I would direct you to contact your local seneschal
or to read Red Tape, Corpora, and GP&D for further instruction. In addition, the Ladies of
the Rose are charged to oversee courtesy in our kingdom. If you are truly distressed, then
I would refer you to her majesty, and our former queens. As is obvious from the comments
on this forum, courtesy is sadly lacking in many members of our kingdom. I too am saddened
by the letter from Trimaris, but rather than making me want to cry, I desire to get to the bottom
of the issues at hand, resolve them and move forward to the greater glory of our kingdom and
its people.
In closing, neither myself nor my roommate subscribe to this list. I did not intend this missive
to spur further discussion, but rather to answer questions and accusations put forth in the medium.
If you wish to discuss these issues with me, I welcome your input. Please E-mail them to me at
this address or if you would like, call. My number is in the Acorn.
William the Stout
Earl Marshal
Kingdom of Atlantia
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