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Intolerance of Atlantia

Poster: Kevin of Thornbury <kevin@maxson.com>

Unto my fellow Atlantians comes somber greetings this day from
Kevin of Thornbury.

	I think I'd have preferred to be ignorant.  Though I've
	unsubscribed, I still peruse the archives looking for
	pertinent material.  I almost wish I hadn't.

	Through talking with other people at the few events I've
	been to and communicating with notables on the West coast,
	I too have heard stories of invincibility about some fighters.
	But these were specific, and I could ignore the harsh words.

	My friends, I am new to this game and have played only for
	the last six months.  So new, I haven't received all of my
	yet.  Now, I feel genuine pain that my dream of Chivalry
	is now somehow more empty.  For today I have learned that
	Atlantian fighters - of which I am a new member - are
	scorned across the Known World.  I one day hope to wear a
	white belt - an undertaking I am prepared to give due
	diligence for the next several years if necessary.  The
	Knights I have met have all been courteous, fair and helpful.
	But how am I to react when I know that when that one day comes
	that I become a knight, I am also given a chain of dishonor?

	Is this perception really true?

	Good knights, if so, break this chain!  I implore you that no
	matter your injury or your modesty, please lend a hand to those
	of us who know no better.  Teach me to be fair and courteous,
	to be skilled and still chivalrous.  I'm very new at this, and
	will soak up whatever you can impart.  I still stand in awe of
	white belts, and I watch them closely.  I want to know what it
	is that makes a man a knight.

	For no other reason, please entertain this simple plea, from one
	who is uninjured physically and emotionally, to share the dream
	if for no other reason than to spread the joy you once knew.

	To those who have instructed me thus far, my thanks.  I can
	only hope my progress and conduct serve teacher and kingdom well.

In humble gratitude,
|+^+|  Kevin of Thornbury                      
|/+\|  (mka Kevin Maxson)                      
 \_/   kevin@maxson.com   http://sca.maxson.com
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