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Re: MR: Query: Fabric Stores in No. Atlantia

Poster: Sallie Montuori <foxdale@dakota.widomaker.com>

> > Did you try G Street Fabrics?  There's one in Centreville, VA, and one
> > in Rockville, MD.
> ::grin::I do believe he requested a store with a reasonable price. 
> Seriously though, try Wal-Mart's fabric section.  I've found velveteen 
> there for about $5/yard, usually in the fall.  It may not be top 
> quality, but it's affordable.

Well, G Street does have an incredible remnant table at $1.98/yd.  I
have found 60" linen there, and brocade, and other goodies.  Since he
didn't want to order in bulk, I figured remnants were worth
mentioning.  And he did say "available at all" too.

   Alys of Foxdale           | Vert, on a fess between three trees
foxdale@dakota.widomaker.com |     argent, a fox passant gules.

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