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RE: What's the Point(less)?

Poster: Gregory Stapleton <gregsta@MICROSOFT.com>

My apologies if my reply seemed harsh, Mi'Lady.  

The intent was not such.  I had just hoped to establish the fact that
for this once, I might truly know whereof I was speaking. :) Your reply
most certainly did bring out the further aspects of the Potlatch that I
had glossed over in a poor effort to be brief.  I fear that some of the
exchanges of late, along with this heat, have made me as prickly as a

Mayhap we could retire to the tavern and discuss this further over a
cool cider?  My treat.  


>From: 	MarsaliFox@aol.com[SMTP:MarsaliFox@aol.com]
>Sent: 	Wednesday, July 17, 1996 11:52 AM
>To: 	atlantia@csc.ncsu.edu
>Subject: 	Re: What's the Point(less)?
>Poster: MarsaliFox@aol.com
>In a message dated 96-07-17 11:39:14 EDT, you write:
><< Yes, it is a redistribution of wealth as you describe, but I also have
> video of potlatchs done in the late 1800's - early 1900's, as well as
> interviews with elders, which show/describe much destruction of the
> "Wealth goodes" as well.  I did a major research paper on this when I
> was in college as my degrees are in Anthropology / Archaeology and
> Computer Science.  I can provide citations, if you like. >>
>My goal was not to agrue with you, but to bring out an aspect of the
>potlactch that would be a possible inspiration for ideas concerning
>interkingdom wars and peaces.   Lighten up, my good man, none here mean harm.
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