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Leifr, please read...

Poster: John S Welch <s0jswelc@cabell.vcu.edu>

> Poster: Lance Harrop <lharrop@mrj.com>
> I have another idea.  I suggest we name knights one at a time, in a 
> manner which will excuse us from not naming examplers all at once.
> To wit (I hope) since Mistress Deirdre started all this ;-), I suggest we 
> write poems.  With priviso's.  Not about your own knight, too obvious and 
> easy.  And new poem written for this purpose.  If any three other people 
> will join me in this endeavor, I will write another (an ideal dare, I 
> have four written already), and I challenge those who suppose themselves 
> to be poets to do the same.  So if six other people write, I'll post 
> three poems in all, if nine write, post four, and so on.
> I think we might as Lord Rabah what he thinks of collecting these poems 
> and publishing them, the proceeds to go to support tragicly widowed 
> Atlantian Baronesses.

My Lord,
        I can only hope that in this society of chilvary and
courtousy, that the above last few lines, were a hastly written
mistake, and not the mean-spirted bad humor they now appear to
be.As a friend of Myles and Owain, I am shocked. As a member of
our Kingdom, I am ashamed. I can only hope that you can explain
this to this List, your Knight, your King to whom your fealty
runs, the Barony of Marinus, and most importantly Baroness
Owain.( Or is she like Duke Micheal, fair game to your attacks,
since she is not subscribing to this list.)

Awaiting your reply,

Bryce de Byram
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