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Re: Disc: What is a knight?

Poster: Lance Harrop <lharrop@mrj.com>

Baroness Miriam Rachael bat Mordecai writes:

> Perhaps the most gracious way to name knights as exemplars would be to point 
> out particular qualities, and then give examples of instances in which 
> particular knights have demonstrated them.  Thus, it is merely an illustrative 
> exercise, generally helpful without being considered hurtful or exclusionary.

I have another idea.  I suggest we name knights one at a time, in a 
manner which will excuse us from not naming examplers all at once.

To wit (I hope) since Mistress Deirdre started all this ;-), I suggest we 
write poems.  With priviso's.  Not about your own knight, too obvious and 
easy.  And new poem written for this purpose.  If any three other people 
will join me in this endeavor, I will write another (an ideal dare, I 
have four written already), and I challenge those who suppose themselves 
to be poets to do the same.  So if six other people write, I'll post 
three poems in all, if nine write, post four, and so on.

I think we might as Lord Rabah what he thinks of collecting these poems 
and publishing them, the proceeds to go to support tragicly widowed 
Atlantian Baronesses.

This first is inspired by a conversation a few of us had at a barbeque at 
Sir Strykar's house one Sunday.

Take One Standard Knight
by Leifr Johansson

First let you take one standard knight
In every form is sharp and skilled
Upon the list a noble fight
As any foe has ever willed

Yet let him know some craft or art
Say play the pipes, recorder too
And with musicans takes a part
That I might flirt and dance a few

And let him serve his King in peace
Say guide his order as its chief
And train of course as novice needs
Or as a marshal stand relief

Lets words be soft as blows are hard
A model then of courtesy
And for the weak a shield and guard
And all that's best of Chivalry

Where then is this one standard knight
Most simple this, I'll tell you how
Find where dragon and lion fight
And you will find Afred Cres

In Service
Leifr Johansson
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