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Re: Disc: What is a knight?

Poster: "Heather Swann" <swann@intercon.com>

> Poster: Lance Harrop <lharrop@mrj.com> 
> Mistress Deirdre writes: 
> > Lord Leifr challenges me to name those knights I hold as exemplars 
> > of chivalry.  Much as I might wish to give praise, yet I will decline 
> > to do so in this forum.  There are many worthy knights in Atlantia 
> > and elsewhere who are unknown to me.  I will not offer them any 
> > insult by failing to name them. 
> >  And my opinion in these matters is only that, my opinion not a 
> > standard by which to judge the quality of a knight. 
> I would not say so much challenge as ask.  You could not insult those 
> who are not known to you, as they would realize you had no grounds 
> to measure them.  
> As for those you know, and would not name as an exampler, why, if 
> they hold your opinion in the due regard it is worth, they might well 
> seek to modify their behavior and thereby gain your good opinion.  This 
> is, after all, what we all want.  I fear the behavior of far too many 
> in Atlantia has been based on seeking the good opinion of ones 
> whose regard is not worth much, because people of Courtesy and 
> Chivalry have been far too quiet with their own opinions.   
> And if the knight disdains your opinion, well, who cares what he thinks. 
> In Service 
> Leifr Johansson 
> ======================================================================= 
Perhaps the most gracious way to name knights as exemplars would be to point 
out particular qualities, and then give examples of instances in which 
particular knights have demonstrated them.  Thus, it is merely an illustrative 
exercise, generally helpful without being considered hurtful or exclusionary.


Miriam Rachael bat Mordecai | Purpure on a bend Or,
akaThe Intriguing Miriam    | between two swans naiant
Isenfiri-In-Exile           | respectant, wings elevated
mka: Heather E.M. Swann     | and addorsed argent, three 
email:swann@intercon.com    | sprigs of heather palewise
                            | purpure.     

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