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Re: Atlantia and a small challenge

Poster: Dave Montuori <damont@dakota.widomaker.com>

>A challenge, For every posting on this net WRITE SOMETHING GOOD about the

Atlantia is one of the few places where, if you submit a name or armory
and it passes kingdom level, you may as well make that tabard or
embroidered nametag or whatever. If I remember correctly, Atlantia
consistently places in the top three for rate of acceptance by Laurel.

Atlantia also has the longest current streak of monthly Letters of Intent:
submissions have been sent to Laurel every month for 67 straight months
from our fair kingdom. Submissions don't languish at kingdom level 'round

Evan, Kraken Herald (all your heraldic deeds done at reasonable rates,
inquire about our court heraldry discount :-] )

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