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Re: Tirant Lo Blanc excerpt
Poster: steele@sprynet.com
On Mon, 22 Jul 1996, Henry Best <jstrauss@gmu.edu> wrote:
>Name-calling is a good and wonderful thing to engage in just before
>slaying your enemy and is, I think, to be encouraged. At the same time, I
>suspect that, like hot peppers, a little bit will go a long way for the
>average palate.
I had been collecting period insults for a while for use in rapier insult
tournaments. Some of my filters for acceptable insults were:
(1) no insults based on sex, including allusions to effeminancy
(2) no insults based on race or currently-existing nationality
(3) no insults based on religion
Fair targets:
(1) personal nationality and likely politics (for Italian personae - Guelf,
Ghibelline comments; for French -- regional v. monarch, etc.)
(2) garb and equipment
I'm having trouble coming up with more examples, but you see the drift. I think
I prefer boasts to insults.
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