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Re: Faires, University and A&S, oh my [long]

Poster: "Daniel D. Weil" <weil@kis.net>

Date:          Wed, 24 Jul 1996 12:37:08 -0500 
From:          atlantia@csc.ncsu.edu
Subject:       Faires, University and A&S, oh my [long]
To:            weil@pop.kis.net

<<Hopefully, there will be Laurels and/or Pearls willing to display their
work and give a scheduled Q&A for 1/2 hour to an hour. There are many
individuals that want to come up at an event and ask a question about
that clothing, that box, whatever...and NEVER will because they are
afraid of being considered rude (however incorrect that assumption is)!

Hopefully, many of the Peerage will provide feedback to others making
their attempt at that particular art or science. Their comments mean so
much to artisans, particularly those not in their local group.>>

I know at least one Laurel who would be delighted to do the above, 
and hope that no Laurel will ever be so intimidating and swollen 
headed to lead other people to feel rude if asking questions.  The 
Laurel is a teaching order, not an award per se.  Answering questions 
is a very important part of teaching.

Daniel of Rutland
(MKA Dan Weil)

Come to Highland Foorde, Heartland of Atlantia

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