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Re: Pennsic Moments

Poster: John S Welch <s0jswelc@atlas.vcu.edu>

  Unto the merry rose, does Niall MacFarlane send greetings!

 One of my favorite scenes was the allied champions battle where
atlantia swept the right flank like a cheque colored street
cleaner, with swords like teeth devouring all in its path.

It was proud to see and that Atlantian might truely 
decides the winner of the battle scenarios. Me thinks
war negotiations with atlantia may be quite lucrative.

-Niall MacFarlane
(who is borrowing this account to send a message)

"Apon eastern bodies we'll prove ourselves now
the midrealm will ask us and we'll show them how
the eastrealm remembers Atlantia's might
now in their face but once on their right"

Fight in the war, fight in the war.. we'll all go to Pennsic and
fight in the war...
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