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Re: MR-Disc: Registration of Arms

Poster: polearmed <polearmed@worldnet.att.net>

Allah's Peace to those here on the Rose!!

edh@ascc01.ascc.lucent.com wrote:
> Poster: edh@ascc01.ascc.lucent.com
> If I saw someone flying a banner of my arms, as that Eastern Peer
> recently did, I think I'd handle it something like this:
> "Did you make this banner?"
>    "Yes."
> "Well, it's really very, very nice workmanship.  I must say
> I'm touched.  Is it a gift for me, or may I offer you something
> for the time and materials?"
> -- Alfredo

Alfredo---try this one.  Ask the shilly sit who is flying your arms if he has ever 
picked up his teeth with broken fingers;)

Well, -if- I ever had this problem, I would be ticked.  There is a reason you are 
supposed to register your arms.  This one.

(who stopped trying to register his arms, after three attempts at the local level in the 
Outlands, and probably should see if things have changed)
Donald Wagner                            Falcone al Rasool ibn Muhajir
Raleigh, NC                              Barony of Windmasters' Hill
Knowledge Engineer - AT&T                Kingdom of Atlantia
dswagner@attmail.com                     polearmed@worldnet.att.net

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