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Re: MR: Latin pigs

Poster: Corun MacAnndra <corun@access.digex.net>

Greetings all,

Alanna did write:

> Gentle Nobles:
> In recent postings, the esteemed Baron Storvik has ended his missives thusly:
> >  | Porcellus fori; Porcellus domi; Porcellus carnivorus;
> >  |    Porcellus non voratus; Porcellus plorans domum.
> >  |  				Mater Goose
> Fellow scholars, I will admit that my study of Latin was many years ago in a
> far kingdom, but it seems to me that an error has gone overlooked in the
> above verse.  Should not the final 'Porcellus' be in fact 'Porcellissimus'?

It would seem that Lady Alanna has questioned my veracity as a scholar
of Latin, and rightly so, for I make no claim to be one. In truth, I did
receive the quote from my Lady Alianora who gleaned it from the Latin
mailing list to which she subscribes. However, to answer Lady Alanna's
concerns here, I learned the above rhyme, albeit in English, at a young
and tender age, and all of the piggies were equally called "little
piggies". Never was the last little piggie referred to as "the littlest
piggie". Perhaps it is simply that Lady Alanna was looking for the Latin
for "whee whee whee", and I will admit that such was not given in the
original transcription, nor do I know how one would say "whee whee whee"
in Latin.

Perhaps my Lady, upon reading this dialogue, will respond. Would that
His Grace, Duke Gyrth would also respond, being known far and wide as
a preeminent scholar of Latin.

In service,

   Corun MacAnndra   | Porcellus fori; Porcellus domi; Porcellus carnivorus;
 Dark Horde by birth |    Porcellus non voratus; Porcellus plorans domum.
   Moritu by choice  |                                  Mater Goose
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