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Re: Ummm . . . excuse me?

Poster: "Greg Lindahl" <lindahl@pbm.com>

>      I would like to remind Mar Yaakov (and everyone else on the list) that 
>      the corporate officers and the Board of Directors are not mutually 
>      inclusive groups.  If a corporate officer asked the kingdom 
>      chroniclers to warrant the keepers of local web pages (and I'm not at 
>      all certain that the Corporate Chronicler did that -- I'll try to find 
>      out this weekend), it was not at the direction of the Board.  It is 
>      good, when trying to fix blame, to find out where to fix it, let alone 
>      whether any needs to be assessed in the first place.

The last pronouncement from a BoD member I saw on the issue was Edward
saying he wanted a minimum amount of net-stuff to be "official". This
policy of the corporate chronicler seems to be violently at odds with
Edward's statement.

While we're at it: making someone a warranted officer is a bad way to
reward them. Being an officer is a job, not a cookie. Also, most of
the things people mentioned could be now available because of this new
office already existed. For example, there was already a list of
Atlantian branch web pages and kingdom officer web pages. It's a good
thing for Kevin to help make sure said lists are accurate, but even
that does not require a formal job or warrant.

Gregory Blount
kingdom webmaster sans title
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