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Re: Jobs and Cookies

Poster: Mark Schuldenfrei <schuldy@abel.MATH.HARVARD.EDU>

  I may be alone in this concept, but I've always been VERY annoyed at not
  ever being able to SEE this watch list.  Or really ever get any
  information about its existence.  I sort of like to know how well I'm
  doing; you know, like a report card at school?  It's very easy to tell
  how far along you're getting.

Very often such disagreements founder on a more basic question: are our awards
merit badges (if you deserve it, you get it) or are they more like orders and
awards (merit, timing, luck, personality and influence combine)?

If I want a merit badge, I can join other organizations.  I like a system where
only SOME of the best get the award, feel awkward about it, and continue to
work like crazy to fulfill the mandate they have received.

It's not particulary fair, tis true.  Which makes it more authentic, don't you

	Tibor (Not a Peer, but happy with the service I have given, and the
               Society at large.)
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