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In Memoriam

Poster: w.colbert2@genie.com

To the Gentle Folk of the Laurel Kingdom of Atlantia

>From William de Montegilt

Most Courteous Greeting

Some few years ago, during a Field Battle at Pennsic (NSTIW), I
had occasion to be with a group of Meridien fighters engaging
a rather large group of Atlantians who were not in good order
at the time.  I had just engaged Syr Kane, and he had trapped my
spear, when hold was called.

Upon looking around, I noticed there were no longer any others with
my color tape on the helm, although there were *many* Atlantians
present.  Syr Kane was standing on my spearpoint, and Lord (this was
a while ago) Timothy of Arindale was yelling "save William for
boola-boola".  Not an enviable tactical position.

When "lay-on" was called, the action that Syr Kane took was to remove
his foot from my spear, and to step back and smile.

I didn't (obviously) last much longer in that battle, but for many
years now, when I have thought of Syr Kane, it has been that example
of chivalric conduct on the field that has first come to mind.

I knew Mistress Muirgen only slightly, but had many opportunities to
cross swords with Syr Kane.  He seemed always merry, always happy to
be there, and always courteous, and I will miss him.  My most sincere
condolences go to his family and household.

Yours in Service, this XXI Octobris, A.S. XXXI

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