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Lady Escorting was Arms?.....

Poster: cna00193@wvnvm.wvnet.edu (Michael and Rachel Taylor)

>For what it's worth, when Cuan was Crown Prince last time at Enchanted
Woods he made the observation at Baronial Court that he did not want ladies
to be unescorted into court because he deemed it unchivalrous. It sounds
nice to me, but then I'm of the old school on opening doors,etc. Unless a
lady has a problem with it personally I think it's a decent idea.

Ld. Kendrick of Tir Gat

MikenRae Whereveryouwish Enterprises 
Rum and cooked animals and bullshit by the ton; this party lasts for way too
long and we have too much  fun.... - Paraphrase of Jimmy Buffet's Bank of
Bad Habits

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