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Re: smoking

Poster: Virtual Valkyries <valkyries@jagunet.com>

I agree that smokers also have rights.  However, your rights end where my
lungs begin.

Victoria Fitzgerald

At 12:26 AM 11/21/96 -0500, you wrote:
>Poster: rave@multicom.org
>ok..i missed the part about the law but...speaking as a smoker  i would
>like to point out something.  Alot of us that smoke  are very polite
>about..standing away from any sort of crowd, picking up our butts etc.
>Yes there are some people who are not polite, i will admit that.  But,
>if because of those few you ban smoking at event or something like that
>i think it is unfair .  Yes non-smokers o have thier rights but so do
>smokers...and i agree smoking in the middle of the list field is bad
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	 Virtual Valkyries           		be a little improbable".
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