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Re: Haggis
Poster: Corun MacAnndra <corun@access.digex.net>
Alfredo wrote;
> Please ask Brok to considering how toys and games can help in
> making slaughter thrifty. The bladder can be inflated and used
> either as the core of a football (mka "soccer" ball) or tied to
> a stick to make the morningstar variety of jester's bauble.
Give it to Dafydd to make a cambok ball. His blood boils for cambok
you know.
In service,
Corun MacAnndra | They also serve
Dark Horde by birth | who only lurk and pry
Moritu by choice | Dark Horde Proverb
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- References:
- Re: Haggis
- From: edh@ascc01.ascc.lucent.com (Ed Hopkins)