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On the subject of scrolls

Poster: teresa marie nava-vaughn <tmn@wam.umd.edu>

Heather Swann wrote:
> Actually, the main thing I wish people understood is that the materials we use 
> as Atlantian scribes come out of our pockets- so if you think your scroll is 
> too small or should have been done on parchment, you'll understand that 
> someone did you this service out of their own pocket, most often never having 
> met you, and they worked hard on it.

Ask Mistress Isobel how much she spent on scroll materials during her
tenure as Clerk Signet.  I don't recall the exact number but is was in the
many hundreds range.  In addition a scribe spends many hours of their free
time, which is always in short supply, working on a scroll for a person
they often do not know.  Usually, I spend 15-20 hours on a
single scroll and then I _GIVE_ it away.

My plea, and reminder, is this-- Thank your scribe enthusatically for
sharing their talent and time (and money) with you.  If your scroll is
unsigned or you don't know the scribe, take the time to call the Clerk
Signet and find out who did it so that you can express your gratitude.
At an event one thanks the cook and the autocrat for their efforts in
making the event special.  Please do the same for the person who is
striving to make the awards you receive just as special.

One final note, in general I am as proud of my work as the recipient is to
get the award. It would be nice to be able to display my work, to share
ideas and techniques with those interestted, not for kudos.  I give of my
time and my money because I get to share in a little bit of the award
recipient's excitement. That, for me, makes my SCA experience.

Celynen of Stow-on-the-Wold    

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