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[Event Report] Toys for Tots Tourney

Poster: "Thorpe, John" <thorpj@caepo1.columbiaSC.NCR.COM>

Greetings from Eldred and Ealdthryth!

     In the spirit of giving, we'd like to thank everyone who
attended this year's Toys for Tots Tourney for their generosity.
Our official count this year was 112 toys, so vivats to you all!
For those of you who were unable to attend--did you miss out!
(Yes, consider yourself taunted 8^) )

     We had beautiful weather--sunny, warm, and the tourney
had a nice casual, intimate air to it.  His Royal Majesty,
Logan, holds the Toys for Tots Champion's sword again this year.
This year, all the prizes were Toys for Tots bears that were
garbed by Lady Glee of Falcon Cree, Lady Isabeau Crannoch and
Lord Eldred AElfwald, and armed by Lady Ealdthryth of
Humbrestone(who duct taped their little swords).

     Our open A&S competition was won by Lady Rachel Wallace,
who received a bear in Elizabethan garb, and the toy competition
was won by Torquil MacTaggart the Steadfast, who received a
Scottish bear in regimental kilt, sporran, and carrying a
minature bone-handled knife.  Lord Vyvyan Broussard was the
victor of the Rapier tournament, and he received a rapier-
wielding bear in a green-sleeved tabard.  This year we also had
a most courteous child contest which was won by Moriah of Falcon
Cree.  Her Royal Majesty, Arielle presented Moriah with a jester
bear in a stocking that said "Courtesy".  I would like to
paraphrase HRM's words to Moriah and the other children:  the
receipient was chosen by an anonymous panel as courtesy should
be given to everyone, not just a chosen few.  This is something
we should all remember!  As victor of each weapons form list,
HRM almost went home with four bears--each armed with the
appropriate weapons form--however, with great courtesy and
chivalry, He presented two of His prizes to the children present
at the event.

     At Their Majesties Court, we welcomed Torquil MacTaggart
the Steadfast, Alyssa Celeste de Palestrina, Bremen von
Schwarzwald, Nykodemus Grey, Megan MacKenzie, and Anastastia
of Bordervale Keep to the ranks of Atlantia's nobility.  Vivats
to them for their Awards of Arms!  Vivats also to a new
Companion to the Order of the Golden Dolphin:  Baroness Anne Le
Coeur!  In Their Excellencies'(Corwyn and Dierdre) Court,
Noel of Falcon Cree was awarded a Baron's Award of Excellence,
and Lord Alwin of Nottinghill Coill was admitted to the Order
of the Coill's Beacon for his courtesy and chivalry.  Vivats

     As soon as I get my award report forms to Their
Majesties, Triton, and the Clerk of Precedence, these folks
will be officially recorded in Atlantia's Order of Precedence.
(Other heralds take note!)

     Here endeth the Event Report.

In service,
Lord Eldred AElfwald
Lady Ealdthryth of Humbrestone
Co-autocrats of the Fifth Annual Toys for Toys Tourney

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