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FW: First Call - Pennsic Classes (fwd)

Poster: Clayton Atwood <CAtwood@abanes.org>

Picked this up on sca-east and wanted to pass it along to anyone who is


>From: 	priest@vassar.edu[SMTP:priest@vassar.edu]
>Sent: 	Tuesday, March 04, 1997 8:23 PM
>To: 	sca-east@world.std.com
>Subject: 	First Call - Pennsic Classes (fwd)
>-Poster: priest@vassar.edu (Carolyn Priest-Dorman)
>Greeting from Thora Sharptooth!
>I found this buried on the Rialto under an unrelated thread and thought you'd
>all like to see it.
>From: alysk@ix.netcom.com(Elise Fleming )
>Newsgroups: rec.org.sca
>Subject: First Call - Pennsic Classes
>Date: 3 Mar 1997 21:57:33 GMT
>Greetings one and all!  Due to circumstances far beyond my control this
>announcement will not appear in most kingdom newsletters.  _Please_
>circulate it on any kingdom 'nets or in your groups for those not
>electronically connected.  The Pre-Pennsic booklet is still awaiting
>labels and has not (to my knowledge) been mailed as of this date.
>If you plan on using the Barn for any activities, I do not schedule it.
>E-mail me privately for the person's name.  There is also another
>person who will handle classes for the Middle Eastern tent but I can
>forward any requests for that tent if necessary.  I will be scheduling
>all other tents and locations, including the Pond Stage and the limited
>use of the Bathhouse.  To my knowledge Town Hall will not be available
>this year for any function including dances or meetings.  If you need a
>large space for an Auction contact me ASAP to work out what tent size
>is needed, or try for Barn space (which is _very_ limited!).  
>Here follows the official "blurb."
>A&S Classes and Activities-
>A & S classes will be organized as they have been in past years.  If
>you are interested in teaching a class send me your modern and SCA
>names, address and telephone number as well as a brief description of
>the class.  If you have an SCA title that you wish used please let me
>know. Classes will begin on Wednesday, August 6 and run through
>Saturday, August 16.  Let me know the day(s) you prefer to teach; if
>you prefer morning or afternoon; any conflicts with battles, etc., you
>wish to avoid; if you have a fee or limit on size; if you need access
>to water, a firepit, or electricity; if you would like to teach your
>session more than once; if you need to teach in your camp, or anything
>else I should know before scheduling your class.  I will take e-mail
>submissions as well as regular mail.  While telephone inquiries are
>fine, all submissions must be in writing or e-mail.  The deadline is
>May 1.  You should receive a confirmation back that I received your
>request with the final confirmation of date and place of the scheduled
>class to be sent in early July.  You will be expected to check in at
>the A&S table in the Information Tent as soon as you arrive at Pennsic.
> If you do not check in your class may be canceled!
>Classes and activities to be held in the Barn will be scheduled through
>Lord Midair.  Contact me to schedule any activities or classes in any
>other facility - A&S tents, Town Hall, Pond Stage, Bathhouse, etc. 
>Priority will go to those who make the earliest arrangements, with
>consideration to kingdom and SCA-wide groups.  If you have any
>unofficial activities related to A&S please let me know the date and
>place before May 1 so that it may be added to the general list of
>activities.  For last minute additions and use of A&S tent space, see
>me or one of my deputies at the A&S table at Pennsic.  The master
>schedule will be available there from August 4 on while the table is
>staffed.  I invite A&S officers of the Known World to assist in
>staffing the table.
>A smile is the only experience necessary!
>In service,
>Dame Alys Katharine
>Elise Fleming, 3950 Walter Rd., North Olmsted, OH 44070-2111
>ph: 216-779-6384; email: alysk@ix.netcom.com
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