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Rotating Events

Poster: "Terry L. Neill" <Neilltl@ptsc.slg.eds.com>

Personally, I think rotating events throughout the Kingdom is a better idea
than having them all in the Central area (speaks one who LIVES in the
Central Area)

Not only does this give everyone an opportunity to get to a Kingdom event '
close' to them, but it doesn't overburden the central area groups with doing
all their own events AND all the Kingdom events.

There is also the advantage of travelling to other parts of the Kingdom and
meeting the folks w-a-a-a-a-a-y over there.  Yes, I do think this is an

At the risk of preaching heresy ;) maybe if the Kingdom events were scheduled
more in advance than they currently are this would be a good thing.

On the downside, the Crown Prince/ss wouldn't be able to specify a site and
time for their Coronation, Crown, Unevent and 12th Night.

On the upside, everyone, including entrants to the Crown List, would know where
and when the Kingdom events would be held.  It would be easier to get sites a
year or more in advance - especially 12th night - (and maybe cheaper, too). It
would give the Crown and Curia and groups more time to put together and
consider a solid bid.

It might also regularize the events (for example: 12th night always on 2nd
weekend of January, Spring Coronation always first weekend in March, Spring
Coronation always first weekend in May, Fall Coronation always second
weekend in September, Fall Crown always first weekend in October, Unevent
always first weekend in December, etc.)

The sitting Crowns and Curia could make sure that the events rotate through the
Kingdom from South to North.  Each event could rotate on a slightly different
schedule.  If this was set up, then eventually all the groups in MD (for
example) would know that 12th night is headed their way in 1999.  And would
have that much time to find a site, prepare a bid and prepare for the event.
 There'd be maybe 3 bids for the 1999 12th night and the Crowns could choose
the best one.  But ALL the bids would be from groups in MD.

I think more Kingdom-level events in South Carolina (I live in Richmond, VA)
would be a Good Thing.

        - Anarra Karlsdottir
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