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MR: Vox Populi

Poster: "Ed Hopkins" <Ed.Hopkins@MCI.Com>

To address the problem of people in the Southern Region feeling
unrepresented at important events held in the Northern Region,
I propose the following:

For each Shire, College, and Canton in the Southern Region, the
Crown picks one gentle to represent that locale in the North.
This gentle would be one who attends every major event in the
Northern Region, usually because he or she lives in the Northern
Region.  I think it'd be best if this person met with the approval
of the populace of the locale he or she represents, but that would
be up to the Crown.  I also think it'd be nice if the represented
was a Peer of some sort, but it's not strictly necessary for my

Similarly, every locale in the North would have a representative
who dwells in the South.

It would be the responsibility of each representative to communicate
the hopes and feelings of his distant constituents.

Populus Regionis Centralis presumably are able to travel to either
end of the Kingdom, and therefore don't need special representatives.

What do you think?

-- Alfredo el Bufon
Canton of Elvegast
Barony of Windmaster's Hill
Region Central
Kingdom of Atlantia

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