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clerk of signet office business

Poster: Becky McEllistrem <beckymc@MICROSOFT.com>

As several have heard me mention, this office is impossible to do alone.
are too many different activities that this office needs to do and I've
told several folks
I intend to be the "queen of delegation".  One of the biggest time
consumers I have
is status requests.  I could easily take care of those by posting the
databases online
but I have quite a lot of "clean up" to do (inactive folks to be moved
to a different file,
etc.) so I hesitate to post them at this time.

Genevieve d'Evreux has agreed to help me with the status requests.
We've also
agreed that this is an "assistanceship" to the office and that she is
NOT my direct
deputy.  She's a little shy about such an idea at the moment and I'm a
little shy about
one deputy since I need so many different things taken care of.  I have
a need for many
volunteers with this office.  She is my first official volunteer. (In
the future I hope to have
a deputy picked from a group of volunteers.)  She will be what I call
the Status Scribe.  
For any Atlantian interested in the status of any kind of scroll (be you
new Atlantian or 
long term Atlantian) please contact Genevieve d'Evreux.  Any OTHER
questions please
contact MYSELF directly. She will not be giving out assignments, etc.
merely helping with
status requests so feel free to bombard her <G>.  All scribes should
continue to contact
me directly.

I am extremely grateful that she's willing to take this on.  It frees up
a great deal of my 
time and I feel it has slowed my response time to scribes (not a good
thing!).  We've agreed
that any request should be replied to within two weeks (snail mail or
email).  So if you have
sent her a request for information and haven't heard anything within two
weeks, please resend
and copy myself (especially if it's an email request!). She has given me
permission to post 
her contact information to this list and is expecting your letters.
There's no time limits listed 
but keep in mind this family does have children.  Again, thank you

			Genevieve d'Evreux
			mka: Linda Pancrazio
			302 North Sumner St.
			Selma, NC 27576
			home: (919) 965-6973 (leave msg)
			email: lindap@ipass.net

Lady Rebecca the Contrary
Clerk of Signet, Atlantia
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