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Re: scope of the SCA

Poster: Mark Schuldenfrei <schuldy@abel.MATH.HARVARD.EDU>

  At one time, the SCA had a lot of overlap with such-like.  Look at the
  current occupations of a lot of the founders - writing fantasy fiction.  I
  was told by a REAL long-timer in the Barony of NorthWoods that when the
  group there started out, there was well-nigh a one-to-one correspondence
  with the Tolkien fan club.  That's why every now and again, someone raises
  the spectre of the elven persona.  (Can't do it anymore, though.  Or is
  that, can't register it with the college of heralds?  I know Tibor will be
  able to help me here. :) Definitely a social taboo against it, in any case.)

The overlap was huge, and the overlap with Fandom is still rather large.
(Some of the older-timers in the West still organize a fantasy con each
year, for example.)

The College of Arms used to allow "documentation" from Elvish and fantasy
books, and in fact there used to be an heraldic conflict checking book for
armory that listed fictional arms and names (Fabulous Heraldry, if I

The College of Arms changed that registration acceptance a very long time

	Tibor (Not so old I was there, but old enough to remember the
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