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Sacred Stone's Novice Tourney Flyer

Poster: Linda Jones <grifter@mindspring.com>

Sacred Stone's Annual Novice Tourney
May 2-4 1997 King's Mountain Park 

Tourneys:      There will be the Novice Heavy , and Novice Rapier
tournaments . The novice heavy is restricted to -1- fighters authorized in
sword & shield less then two years.  and -2-  fighters authorized in any
other weapons for less than two years . The  novice Rapier is restricted to
fighters authorized less than two years . Prizes well be awarded to the
winners of each. For all fighters regardless of experience , Sacred Stone's
House of Corvus will once again sponsor the Argent Rave Tournament for heavy
fighters , and The Argent Wolf tournament for Rapier. These are both timed ,
points tourneys with prizes awarded in silver. A Lady's Gallery will award
their prize of gold to the most chivalrous of all four tourneys. 

Contests:     A&S  will be an open display as well as two competitions. All
works either finished or in progress are welcome for display. Two of the
competitions consist of a novice A&S competition where entries are in a
medium learned within the last year , and the second competition is a Viking
garb , and accessories competition from the period 800AD to 1000AD.
Documentation is not required , but will provide more points.

FEAST:      In the Evening after Her Excellency's Court , is the feast. This
will be prepared by Master Bran Trefonnen , and any special dietary concerns
should be directed to him at : Scot Myers < PO box 2981 Davidson ,NC
,28036,or { 704-896-0250}, email: Swmyers@aol.com. . A complete menu with a
list of ingredients will be available by April 4th via e- mail

Site:      Camp York in Kings Mountain State Park , and will open at 5:00pm
Friday , May 2nd , and close at 12:00pm on Sunday, May 4th This is a lovely
wooded site featuring cabins with beds , and floor space . Unfortunately ,
park rules expressly prohibit tenting. There are hot showers and a beautiful
lake, it is unfenced , and no life guard will be on duty. The site is
discreetly wet.

Fees:     The Autocrat If you need any assistance or further information ,
please contact Anastasia Rublev ( Linda Jones , at 220 Mount View Court ,
Danville , VA 24549, (804 -836 -1249 ) Please send all reservations to
Baroness Susan Douglas of Andover ( Susan Osborne ,1281 Andover Road ,
Charlotte ,NC, 28211 , ( 704 365 - 8239 With checks payable to The Barony of
the Sacred Stone/SCA INC.  Cost is $14.00 on - site , on board - $10.00 on
site off board $10.00 on board off site  $5.00 off site off board .Children
6-12 half price , and children 5 and under are guest of the Barony Family
rates apply : pay fees for two adults and the two oldest children only

Directions:     From the South Take your best route to I -85 just north of
the SC/NC border Take Exit #2 Kings Mountain National Military Park Go South
Right turn on 216 through the military park to kings mountain state park
Turn right at the sign marked group camps at the Y bear right to camp York
Please obey posted speed limit.  From th3e North  Take your best route to
I-85  in North Carolina just South of Charlotte/ Take Exit # 8 Kings
Mountain At top of ramp turn left  When the road comes to a fork  bear right
. You will stay on these road for about 7 miles until you see a small field
with a split fence on the right hand side . turn right after the fence  into
the  entrance of kings mountain state park  there is a package goods store
on the left of this T intersection follow the road through the park to the
living history / organized camp sign and turn left at the Y bear to the
right to camp York 
Linda Jones

Anastasia Rublev
of the Shire of Drachentor

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