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Regional event planning

Poster: Neil Maclay <nmaclay@psi.prc.com>

I was looking at the calender of events in 
the April Acorn and the need for some regeonal 
organization. For example on the last weekend
in may both Storvik and Stierbach have tourneys
scheduled. Both groups draw from the same pool 
of fighters and this schedule will hurt both
events. Last year the Storvik Baronial Champion's
tourney was lightly attended because of event
scheduling conflicts that pulled the Northern
regional fighters in several directions. From
what I heard the other events also could have
been better attended. 

We used to have a regional seneshals meeting 
to work on creating a coherent event schedule
for the region. Is this still taking place? If
so why is the schedule so messed up? If not maybe
we should start doing it again.

One of the arguments for a Principality was to
better organize and plan events in the Northern
region. I don't know if a Pricipality is needed
but some kind of organization and coordination
for the Northern region is definately needed.

	Malcolm MacMalcolm
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