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Re: Why few fight for crown

Poster: "Ed Hopkins" <Ed.Hopkins@MCI.Com>

Master Malcolm MacMalcolm mentioned:

> I know why I don't fight in Crown Tourney.
> [...] My resposibilities to my family
> and my employer would prevent me from carrying
> out the tasks that a good King should perform.
> [...]
> Other fighters that I know, who are much more
> likely to win, don't fight for similar reasons.
> In order to do the job properly, one must be able
> to travel most every weekend to events in all
> parts of the Kingdom. [...]

This being the case, one solution to the problem
of small Crown Tourneys is this: Let people enter
the lists without any intention of ruling.  The
new Sovereign would be the the best fighter that
day of those who *do* so intend.

Under this scheme, Master Malcolm could enter
the Crown Lists, along with hundreds of others.
Then when (lets say) Malcolm wins the Tourney,
he can announce that he cannot accept the title,
and pass the princely coronet to the runner-up.
If that runner-up also is unable to rule, he or she
would pass it to the next runner-up, and so on until
it rested in the hands of one of the forty or so
who enter the current Tourney.

The important thing is that there would be enough
entrants in Crown Tourney to make it interesting.
That is the important thing, isn't it?

-- Alfredo

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