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Re: Why few fight for crown (atmosphere)

Poster: seareach@juno.com (Bonnie A Hindle)

M'Lord Martin writes:
>It is the right of every Atlantian citizen to compete for the crown; I
>would not suggest otherwise. But doing so for any other reason than to
>be King, or make one's consort a Queen, is a dis-service to ones' self 
>and ones' kingdom.

Lady Alesia steps out from her sister's corner booth, offers her hand to
Maritn and says "You have spoken quite elegantly dear sir, vivat and may
I be so honored as to purchase you an ale???  I think I found Count
Logan's bottle rolling around on the floor when I was hinding from my
sister, Emma's flying tommahawks.  Its quite nice and since he isn't King
any more I don't feel quite so compeled to give it back. <g> Would you
care for some?"
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