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Re: Museum Search (fwd)

Poster: Mark Schuldenfrei <schuldy@abel.MATH.HARVARD.EDU>

  Might I recommend the excellent arms and armor collection at the
  Art Institute in Chicago? It's got some great polearms, a
  mailshirt, a brigantine, and several complete plate harnesses for
  field and tourney. I haven't even begun on the swords...

If one were considering Boston (for the Gardner Museum: excellent choice),
don't forget the world-class armor exhibits at the Higgin's Armory Museum,
in Worcester, about 45 minutes west of Boston.  Nor should you ignore the
Museum of Fine Arts, the Davis Museum, etcetera.

There is a very fine page of museums off the www.boston.com site.  See it at

Plus, here in Carolingia, we are nice people: we have HUGE libraries and
excellent bookstores, and good restaurants.  I'd visit here, if I didn't
live here. (:-)

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