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Museum Search (fwd)

Poster: Annejke@prodigy.com (MS MARTHA L WALLENHORST)

May I suggest the Detroit Institute of Art.  It has the largest 
collection of armour on the N. American continent, as well as a 
castle, a good collection of portraits, stain glass, religious garb 
and several rooms of furniture.

Also, the Joan of Arc chapel on the campus of Marquette University in 
Milwaukee, WI.  It is the original chapel that she prayed in before 
leaving for the battle.  It also has a private collection of 
religious vestments that belonged to the chapel when she was alive.  
It is fantastic but the collection is only open by appointment.

For research material the graduate library at the Univ. of Wisc., 
Madison has original copies of books from the libraries in Ireland, 
Germany, France and England.  They have a full original set of the 
Salt Society and the Harlien manuscripts.

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