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Re: Shires in Atlantia

Poster: "H L. Falls" <hlf@holmes.acc.virginia.edu>

> Quoth Evan the Youngster:
> Alisoun the self-professed Older Than Solid Rocks said:
> > > And, offhand, I cannot think of ANY period in Atlantian history when
> there was only one shire. . .
> Landi the Dirt Tester (unit or integration test?) responded:

   Like I said, I only vaguely remember...  My clearest memory of the
whole subject was Aonghais recounting the effects of wet dirt (or as
he called it, "mud") on one who has fallen face-first while wearing
a pig-face bascinet at Pennsic Pour, er -- Four...

> >    Agreed!  I know that Isenfir has been a shire ever since it quit 
> > being a Canton of Myrkwould (though I don't remember the date on that).
> According to Dex it was 1976 or 77. Caer Mear became a barony in '78 if
> my memory of kingdom history is correct, so the Stonewall Confederacy of
> which Isenfir was/is a member should date back 20-21 years (to when the
> Stonewallers broke off from Mrquud).
   That sounds about right...  Njorbjorn got Isenfir started (including
Dex and, shortly later, me) in the fall of 1974.  Isenfir's first event
(which Dex and I missed due to a ROTC training exercise) was in April 
(first weekend, IIRC) of '75.  I believe Isenfir was still a canton of
Mrkwd at our second event (April '76), but pushed for Shire status 
fairly soon thereafter...

> Evan,
>  who does not even predate Stew but asks questions of people who do, and
>  tries to remember the answers.
--Landi, who more and more finds himself wishing that he had been paying 
         more attention back then...
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