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Re: Holding name (was:Re: Submissions)

Poster: Beverly Robinson-Curry <corvus2@postoffice.worldnet.att.net>

At 04:05 PM 4/15/97 +0000, Julien wrote:

>Actually, that brings up something I was going to ask -- arms without a
>name.  I was under the impression that you had to submit the name either
>with the arms at the same time, or that the name already be in the process
>of submission.

This is correct.

>However, someone else told me recently that no, you could actually send
>off your arms to be registered even if you haven't done so with your name
>yet, as they will assign you a holding name until such time as your actual
>name is submitted.

Nope.  You have to submit something as a name.  Any armory is registered or
catalogued, if you will, by the SCA name submitted.  No name, no way to
catalogue it.  (Gee, this is a keen badge.  Wonder who it belongs to?)  It
has been discussed before cataloguing people's submissions by either modern
name or social security number, but both ideas were heartily rejected.  

Also, holding names are ONLY assigned at the Laurel level.  Therefore, if
your name submission cannot get past kingdom, your armory doesn't either.


Lady Rhiannon Ui Neill
Triton Principal Herald, Atlantia
House Corvus, Sacred Stone	

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