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Re: Banners

Poster: "Ed Hopkins" <Ed.Hopkins@MCI.Com>

>  I have had a banner made using the badge of Atlantia, the badge of
> Bright Hills, the badge of Spiaggia Levantina, and my own badge(which
> has just gone out of kingdom) {Triton Herald annouced that your badge
> left Kingdom on the May letter of
> Intent.  Good luck with Laurel!}- Rodrigo wrote.
> Now comes a problem, The banner is about 25' long and "according to "
> some recently found documentation it is too long for me, personally(READ
> PERSONA-LY).  Is there any response to this that may help me decide to
> display such a banner at events or say .,,. maybe Crown Tourney
> /,..,./?? This weekend??/
>             Brenno Guarnieri
>             Motteggiatore

Before I respond, can you answer a few questions?

* What exactly do you mean by "banner"?  (is it swallow-tailed?
  does it go on a horizontal or a vertical staff?  etc)

* What color is the banner?

* What are the blazons of the four badges?

* How are the badges arranged?

* If your badge is returned by Laurel, can you remove it from
  the banner?

* What exactly does the documentation say?

* What is it about your persona that clashes with 25 foot banners?

* What is a motteggiatore?

* What are the chances that your status will change at Crown?

* Would such a change in status remove the banner-length problem?

-- Alfredo el Bufon
levate signum          | Lift ye up a banner
super montem caligosum | upon the high mountain,
exaltate vocem         | exalt the voice unto them,
levate manum           | shake the hand,
et ingrediantur        | that they may go into
portas duces           | the gates of the nobles.
                                  -- Isaiah 13:2
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