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University Catalog Update

Poster: AtlantiaU@aol.com

To the Noble Company who read this, greetings from Mistress Deirdre
O’Siodhachain, Chancellor of the University.

Since the time to register for University via e-mail is now arrived, I though
I would provide one final update to the catalog.

Most classes still have room: only the Viking Footwear class is full at the
present writing.  However, there is no guarantee this will still be the case
on June 7.  Preregister now!

Three classes have been canceled: Evolution of Faceted Jewels (1:30 p.m.),
Make Your Own Brooch (2:30 p.m.), and Italian Basse Dances (3:30 p.m.)

Two classes have been added: a second session of Printing on Cloth (3:30
p.m.) and The Art of the Handkerchief  (4:30 p.m.): A discussion of how
gentlemen and ladies properly interact in a courtly setting. Using the
principles of courtly love and a simple prop like a handkerchief, the class
will explore a variety of situations and learn how polished courtiers express
their admiration (platonic or otherwise) for the opposite sex. Deidre
O’Siodhachian will be the instructor.

Please be aware that the two classes on Nal-binding are two separate classes,
not parts one and two of a single class.  Both are very limited in
enrollment, so please be courteous and preregister for only one session.  You
can always add another if space permits on the day of University

Also, if the class you want to attend has a materials fee, that must be
submitted at the time of preregistration.  For full instructions on e-mail
registeration go to the Atlantian University web page (courtesy of Gregory

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.  I look forward to
seeing you at University.

Your servant,


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