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Regarding Crown Tourney

Poster: Logan and Arielle <logan123@charlotte.infi.net>

I feel that I need to extend My most sincere apologies to all who were in 
attendance at Crown Tourney and explain some of My actions on the field. 
 At the conclusion of the second fight in the finals between Myself and 
Jarl Sir Thorbrandr Olafsson, in which he had chosen florentine (duh!),  
I walked away visibly upset.  The reason is simple.  I attacked T-Bone 
with everything I could, legged him and closed very quickly.  I had a few 
clean shots land with some question as to whether or not there was enough 
there to be a telling blow.   Sir Thorbrandr then hit me in my right hip 
with what I felt was enough to be good.  A hold was called immediately 
after that and I, being very frustrated at that point, saluted him 
quickly and turned and walked away to prepare for the next fight (best of 
five remember).  I was frustrated because I had him legged and closed on 
him which gave Me the advantage in HIS weapons form, but I thought I 
had not finished the job.  I never heard him say that I hit him with a 
flat snap to the head that was good before he threw to My hip. I did not 
know that I had actually won the fight.  The marshals or heralds never 
announced who won that fight either. We then proceeded with the next 
fight which was weapon and shield, being My choice, which I won.  At this 
point I thought it was 2 to 1.  I did not know that I had won.  This was 
fairly obvious by the fact that I was putting armor on My left arm and 
asking for My other sword for the next round (which I assumed was going 
to be florentine).  My squire was congratulating Me (he had heard T-Bone 
say that I had won the previous fight) and I was saying "just give Me My 
other sword, he is going to pick two-sword!  So with Me not so much as 
offering My hand to Sir Thorbrandr after the third (and, unbeknownst to 
Me, deciding) fight coupled with My poor body language after the second 
fight I am sure that I left some of you with a bad feeling after the 
whole thing was over.  This was brought to light to me when a close 
friend told me that she assumed that I was upset with Sir Thorbrandr 
because I walked away from him after I won. Please understand that I do 
feel bad about My behavior and hope that you will understand that the end 
was very confusing.  I neither meant nor feel any animosity or disrespect 
towards T-Bone.  I simply was frustrated over what I thought was my 
inability to defeat T-Bone after our second fight and was unaware that 
our third fight was the last. I am truly sorry for any concern I may have 
caused anyone.

Humbly serving Atlantia and all Her people,
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