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Heraldry at Pennsic

Poster: Beverly Robinson-Curry <corvus2@postoffice.worldnet.att.net>

The following will appear in the July _Acorn_ and _Herald's Point_:

After reviewing the changes to the consultation situation at Pennsic XXVI,
it is my decision that Atlantia WILL NOT be accepting submissions at Pennsic
this year.  The War Herald has been unsuccessful (due to the changes) in
obtaining enough commitments from experienced senior heralds in the College
of Arms to oversee the consult table and due to security concerns, those who
usually provide their personal reference materials, will not be doing so.
Therefore, adequate resources and trained help may not be available.

Folks, submitting your name/device/badge at Pennsic DOES NOT speed up the
process.  This is one of the great fallacies, like "the check's in the
mail".  What you get is an educated opinion (some better than others) that
your submission will most likely pass.  In all years past, we have brought
the submissions home and gone through the adjudication process again,
because the conditions at Heralds Point can lead to errors in both practice
and judgment.


Lady Rhiannon Ui Neill
Triton Principal Herald, Atlantia
House Corvus, Sacred Stone	

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