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Re: Heraldic Help
Poster: Tanner Lovelace <lovelace@acm.org>
On Thu, 5 Jun 1997, Eric Stoneking wrote:
> Sable, a hammer Or entwined with kudzu vine (Pueraria thumbergia) proper,
> within a laurel wreath Or.
Now, wait a minute... You don't seriously think you'd be able to see
the hammer within the middle of kudzu, do you? Also, how do you draw
something that's contiuously growing? (How do you plant kudzu? You
drop a leaf in the middle of a field and run...)
(who grew up in Alabama, and can definately recognize kudzu. It's that
vine that covers *everything*. :-)
| lovelace@acm.org
|\ Arlington, VA
|/ Per chevron argent and azure, a wolf passant
| sable between three compass roses counterchanged.
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