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Sword and Compass

Poster: "Kate Spears" <kspears@fdic.gov>

                Tourney of the Sword and Compass

The Barony of Ponte Alto invites one and all to join us for two days of fun 
and fighting at the
Sword and Compass.  On Saturday, a ransom tourney will be held for the heavy 
Rapier fighters will sharpen their tactical skills at a Five Man Melee 
Tournament, in preparation
for the Great War.  Bring an entire team, or we can assemble one for you! To 
increase our
numbers on the fields of battle, authorizations in both heavy and light 
weapons forms will be
held prior to the tourneys.  Authorizations will begin at 10:00am, and the 
tourneys will begin at
12 noon or after authorizations are completed, whichever is later. And on 
Sunday...we prepare
for War.  The pre-Pennsic Northern Region War Practice will be held on 
Sunday. (See next
announcement in the Acorn)

There will be two A&S competitions on Saturday, one for blackwork embroidery 
and one for
Elizabethan  accessories.  And of course there will be dancing and a bardic 
circle in the evening. 
Lunch will be provided on Saturday.  A delicious feast prepared by Lady 
Ysabel Farquhar will
delight the palate Saturday evening.  Dietary concerns about any meal should 
be addressed to
Lady Ysabel at (703-815-9707 NLT 9 pm). Both breakfast and lunch will be 
available on
Sunday, as well.  

On Sunday we will hold a Northern Regional War Practice

The Barony of Ponte Alto invites one and all to join us in preparing the 
Kingdoms forces for the upcoming War in August (AKA--Pennsic).   Rapier 
fighters will sharpen their tactical skills at a Five Man Melee Tournament.  
Bring an entire team, or we can assemble one for you!  Melee's
and other War manuvers will be conducted for the Heavy fighters as well.  
Again, you can assemble your own units, and/or join a unit once on-site. 

To increase our numbers on the fields of battle, authorizations in both heavy 
and light weapons forms will be held on Sunday as well.  Authorizations will 
begin at 10:00am, Practices will begin at 12 noon or after
authorizations are completed, whichever is later.

The site is the Prince William Forest Park, in Triangle, VA.  It is cabin 
camping, and NO TENTS ALLOWED.  There are 170 (bed) cabins spots available, 
so register early if you want to sleep in a bed.  Please indicate on your 
reservation how many bunks you'll need. If that fills, we've got a plethora 
of floor space.

Site opens 7:00pm Friday and closes 5:00pm Sunday.  Site is wet, drinking age 
in Virginia is 21.  Minors found in possession of alcohol will be escorted 
off site.  

  Costs are:  
          Day-trip Saturday or Sunday (including lunch)     --$7
          Saturday and Sunday, off-board--             --$10
               (Includes lunch both days)
          Saturday and Sunday, on-board           --$16
               (includes dinner Saturday, all of the above, and breakfast on 
Children 6-12 are half-price, under six are guests of the Barony.

There is no additional charge for Friday night arrival!

Directions to the Site:

FROM the North:
I-95 S. (Past Capitol Beltway), to Rt.. 234 (Manassas/Dumfries) (Exit 148).  
Go east on Rt.. 234
for about two miles.  Camp will be on your left, follow signs for Camp 4.

>From the South: I-95 North to Rt.. 234 (Manassas/Dumfries) (Exit 148).  Go 
east on Rt.. 234 for
about two miles.  Camp will be on your left, follow signs for Camp 4.  

Send both on-board and off-board reservations to the autocrat, Lady Aislynn 
Fyrlocc (7974 Revenna Lane, Springfield, VA 22153 (703)569-9743 (NLT 9 pm), 
kspears@fdic.gov.  Please  reserve as early as possible.  Make checks payable 
to the Barony of Ponte Alto, SCA Inc.  

Please address any questions on tourneys or the schedule to the deputy 
autocrat, Alina Silverthorne (Kimberly Telsch) 2779 Prince Harold Court, 
Herndon VA 20171, (703) 860-9262 (NLT 10 pm), e-mail: ladymouse@juno.com.     

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