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Re: Golden Dolphin and Pearl
Poster: <wmorris@spider.csd.sc.edu>
>Which goes to the main question I had: Should I recommend people to TRM
>and TRH who have performed exempliary service locally but not kingdom-wide;
>or is that an inappropriate recommendation? The answer seems to be
>'Go for it'.
I've been reading this thread and have noticed that not one Baronial
award for service has been mentioned. Is this because few baronies have
them or are we ommitting them for some other reason?
The feeling I've been getting down here is that hard work and dedication
on a local level is first awarded through the Barony. Should the
individual continue the work at an exemplary level then the Baron and
Baroness can then support them for a kingdom level award (along with
other friends who want to see the individual get the award).
Does this seem reasonable or does it only work down here?
Lord Liam a'Welwyn, Seneschal, Canton of Cyddlain Downs,
Chronicler, Barony of Nottinghill Coill,
and Free Scholar of the Academie d'Espee
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