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Baronial Awards

Poster: "Terry L. Neill" <Neilltl@ptsc.slg.eds.com>

Lord Liam a'Welwyn wrote:
>The feeling I've been getting down here is that hard work and dedication 
>on a local level is first awarded through the Barony.  Should the 
>individual continue the work at an exemplary level then the Baron and 
>Baroness can then support them for a kingdom level award (along with 
>other friends who want to see the individual get the award).

I absolutely agree.  If one is working hard for one's Barony, I would
definately recommend for the Baronial award.

(Caer Mear has the Pharos for service, the Brieze de Mer for Arts and Sciences
and the Un-named Fighting Order (perhaps soon to be the Chateau de Mer) for

It's what one can recommend for A) someone who already has the Baronial service
award and keeps going, and going.... and B) what one can recommend for someone
who does not reside in a Barony that has been mostly discussed.

Do all the Baronies in Atlantia have service/a&s/fighting awards?

        - Anarra
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