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Re: Atlantian Twenty Year

Poster: seareach@juno.com (Bonnie  A Hindle)

Earl Dafydd wrote:
>If you are serious about it, I advise you to start looking around in a
>leisurely way (you have two years before a concrete bid would be 
>You will need a camping site capable of handling 1000 or more 
>for three or four days.  Situated in the center of the Kingdom would 
>better than on the fringes,
	I was actually thinking of the NC State Fair grounds. 
> but the better bid will often win even if 
>is ...  geographically disadvantaged.
	Wait, I think our Shire resembles this remark.
>Remember, though, a bid isn't a bid until you've got a site, a plan, 
>everything down on paper :^)
	I'll bid if you promise to be King...;>
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