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baronial awards was (RE: Golden Dolphin and Pearl)

Poster: Becky McEllistrem <beckymc@MICROSOFT.com>

> ----------
> From: 	Greg Lindahl[SMTP:lindahl@pbm.com]
> Reply To: 	Greg Lindahl
> Sent: 	Wednesday, June 11, 1997 3:57 PM
> To: 	swannh@psi.com
> Cc: 	atlantia@atlantia.sca.org
> Subject: 	Re: Golden Dolphin and Pearl
> Poster: "Greg Lindahl" <lindahl@pbm.com>
> > Reason being, my Lord Liam, that originally coming from the Shire of
> > Isenfir, I never make that assumption.  Y'see, Isenfir can't get
> Baronial
> > awards.  If you're in a shire that is not baronially affiliated,
> that is
> > not in your stars.  'Twon't work, and thus other means must needs be
> sought
> > out.
Actually I don't mean to start a hornet's nest but when I was in the
Meridies it was
possible for non affiliated shire members to get baronial awards.  Often
the landed
baronage saw so much help from a particular member in the shire that
they suggested
to the seneschal that the individual be given a baronial award.  It was
generally with the
agreement of the seneschal but it did happen.  It was more for service
to that barony
(i.e. specifically during baronial events, etc.) than for service to the

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