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Re: baronial awards was (RE: Golden Dolphin and Pearl)
Poster: SWMyers@aol.com
In a message dated 97-06-11 16:22:22 EDT, you write:
<< when I was in the
Meridies it was
possible for non affiliated shire members to get baronial awards. Often
the landed
baronage saw so much help from a particular member in the shire that
they suggested
to the seneschal that the individual be given a baronial award. >>
Dear Rebecca,
You bring up a very very good point some of that actually happens in
Atlantia. I know that several people in Sacred Stone have awards and/or
Orders from Nottinghill Coill and Sacred Stone has given awards and Orders to
people in both the Shires of Crannog Mor and Hindscroft for exceptional
service and A&S.
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