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You too can be a Rose.
Poster: Lance Harrop <lharrop@mrj.com>
His Excellency, Earl Dafydd, seems to inadvertantly mislead...
> No way, I'm missing a bunch (of awards).
> The most glorious of which is the Lady of the Rose, which I don't intend
> to aspire to (as it involves surgery). The Ladies of the Rose have
> honored me by giving me their favour, however. It was, to my memory, the
> only time I've been surprised by an award/whatever, and nearly the only
> time in living memory I've been speechless, when Countess Fern and Grafin
> Judith presented me with the favour of the Ladies of the Rose a month or
> so after the Crown tourney Thorbrandr won.
The Order of the Rose is open to any who have served as the Consort to
the Soverign of a Laurel Kingdom. Therefore, it is possible for Earl
Dafydd to obtain membership by agreeing to stand as the Consort to a lady
willing to fight for him in Crown. Now, I would be greatly surprised if
Countess Elizabeth were to allow this, and even more surprised if Her
Excellency took up Rattan and won this honor for her Lord. But the Rose
certainly does not require surgery.
There is, at this time, to my knowledge, one Lord of the Rose, an
Ansteorrian who was already Duke by his own hand.
In Service
Leifr Johansson
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