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Re: June Kingdom Returns (heraldry)
Poster: teufel <teufel@erols.com>
I beg for help from the good people of the Merry Rose. I would like
to thank the Lady Rhiannon Ui Neill for going out of her way to post the
Heraldic lists. It has helped my knowledge of heraldry considerably, and I
have found the discussions edifying.
Could some of the Heralds (amateur or pro) explain to me how there
is a conflict between the following charges?
>Poster: Beverly Robinson-Curry <corvus2@postoffice.worldnet.att.net>
>For those without web access (or ability), here are returns from the June
>Atlantian LOI meeting...
>Mathaeus Blades - device
>Azure, on a plate a lion rampany contourny purpure.
>This is being returned for conflict with Azure, a plate charged with a
>cauldron and a domestic cat in its curiosity sable. Rhithyn yr Gwlad yr
>Hav, SCA. There is a CD for the changes to the charges on the roundel but no
HUH? By my calculations, there is more than two points of
difference between the two devices. Are my calculations wrong here? And,
as a fighter, it passes my primary test, being able to tell the difference
between the two shields from across the battlefield.
I was just gearing up to submit a new badge, and this has thrown a
monkey wrench into my confidence of it passing.
Frederich Von Teufel
Quarterly Sable and Or, an Eagle displayed contourny gules,
between three ermine spots counterchanged
(which passed without hesitation A.S. XXX)
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