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KA&S: Masked Ball
Poster: Thomas Hudson <hudson@cs.unc.edu>
Wanted: Dancers and Musicians!
After Kingdom Arts & Sciences (July 12th), there will be a Masked Ball
from 7:30 - 9:30pm; I believe we need to clear the site by 10, so after
that we'll adjourn to a convivial dell nearby for a Bardic Circle.
We need live musicians! We need teachers to teach dance classes during
the day! We need dancemasters (who will still have a voice left) to walk
the dances through *once and once only* in the evening before they are
The Formal List of Dances:
Pavane and Galliard
Ballo del Fiore
Petit Vriens
Black Alman
Black Nag
After completing these dances (and as many encores as the company
demands and the musicians can be persuaded to play), we will dance
at will until Time asserts his dominion over Terpsichore
and we are forced from the floor.
Interested musicians can contact me for a copy of the music in advance.
If you're in the Windmaster's Hill area, the local group is meeting at
my (new! ask for directions) apartment on July 8th to rehearse.
hudson@cs.unc.edu, (919) 967-6526
Please pass this request for help on to any musicians or dancers
in your area not on the Merry Rose.
Is anybody else from Atlantia going to Kelischek Workshop's Mountain
Collegium? (Early music workshop on the NC/GA border 29 June - 5 July)
Giovan Donato
Kappellenberg, Windmasters' Hill, Atlantia:
Omnes Contigit Felicibus Armis - Latos Fines Extremae Terrae
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